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Here's the schedule for the dance groups:
Thursday, July 5
Ori i Tahiti (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Terau
Theme: The canoe / Te va'a - Reflection on the evolution of the outrigger, its role and origins.
Ahutoru Nui (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Anthony Tirao, Arue
Theme: The legend of the coconut tree on the island of Ana'a.
Friday, July 6

Ra'atira - Arsene Hatitio
Theme: Theme: The privilege of the elder / Te Manatu o te mata'iapo
Hei Tahiti (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Tiare Trompette, Pirae
Theme: The weaving of Love / Te fenu aroha
Saturday, July 7
Manava Tahiti (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Amanda Bennett
Theme: The Kingdom of Atehi - The power of love.
Tamariki Poerani (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Makau Foster, Papeete
Theme: Life and the Four Elements / Te ora e te fenua te matai, te vai, te ahi
Sunday, July 8
Hitireva (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Kehaulani Chanquy
Theme: Timeless color / Uatau - Praise the colors of nature.
Heikura Nui (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Iriti Hoto
Theme: Deep in my soul / Te hohonuraa o te aau
Wednesday, July 11
Tamarii Manotahi (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Monette Harua
Theme: Manotahi
Tamariki Oparo (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Pierrot Faraire
Theme: The big giant reptile Maitua called Te Moko
Thursday, July 12
O Marama (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Marama Dugan
Theme: The Beginning / I te hamataraa
O Tahiti e (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Marguerite Lai
Theme: The Legend of Haumanavaitu - The origin of Poutoru, Tahaa district.
Friday, July 13
Fare Ihi No Huahine (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Jean Puupuu
Theme: Te muturaa o Huahine - How the island of Huahine was cut in two.
Temaeva (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - Coco Hotahota
Theme: Land of Pleasure - Navenave fenua
Saturday, July 14
Haere Mai (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Moeata Laughlin
Theme: The sounds of echo / Te o te mau Vevo pehe
Tamarii Faretou No Haapu (Hura Ava Tau)
Ra'atira - Edwin Teheiura
Theme: Faretou - The story recalls the ties that bind Huahine Mataiva to RAROMATAI.
Tamarii Tipaerui (Hura Tau)
Ra'atira - John Cadousteau
Theme: The Legend of Haumanavaitu - traces the origin of Poutoru, Tahaa district.